
* roof, vents, flashings and trim;
* gutters and downspouts;
* skylights,chimney, and other roof penetrations;
* decks, stoops, porches, walkways and railings;
* eaves, soffits and fascia
* grading and drainage;
* foundation and crawlspce;
* water penetration and foundation movement;
* heating system;
* cooling system;
* main water shut-off valve;
* water heating system

* interior plumbing fixtures and faucets;
* drainage sump pumps with accessible floats;
* electrical service line and meter box;
* main disconnect and service amperage;
* electrical panels(s), brekers and fuses;
* grounding and bonding;
* GFCIs and AFCIs;
* fireplace damper door and hearth;
* insulation and ventilation;
* garage doors,safety sensors;
* I am IAC2 Mold Certified  and much more.

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